Safety Management Software - Gladden Safety

Safety Management Software
Why is Safety Management Software like lying down?
We all know Winston Churchill. If you don’t, better head over to Google and find out. Whether you love or loathe him, he was a pretty incredible guy and came up with some gems in the famous quotes department. One of our favorites is:
Mr Churchill, to what do you attribute your success in life?
“Conservation of energy. Never stand up when you can sit down. And never sit down when you can lie down.”
If you are a typical Safety Manager, business owner, HR manager, or you have some other title and got handed the duty of managing safety in your business, I’m guessing you are many reports and missing files away from having time to lie-down.
IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THAT DIFFICULT. Safety Management Software (SMS) makes it easier to manage your workplace health and compliance requirements. It gives you the ability to monitor, track and report on your safety data in real-time. And even better, it does it all on its own through some pretty clever automation tools.
You know that a successful company identifies and manages all risks that have the possibility to have an impact on the business. There is also a fair amount of efficiency that comes from accessing integrated data for multiple purposes. The safety of your employees is vital, especially when facilitating compliance with Occupational Safety and Health. There is no doubt that there are a multitude of reasons and benefits to using a compliance software platform.
How do you pick the right one?
There are many safety management software systems out there, you need to make sure that you are choosing the best system for your business. The software needs to make your life easier by improving organization and efficiency, while being based on an easy to use platform. Furthermore, ask questions, outline your business challenges and trial the software before committing. Free demos are key to ensuring a system can work for you.
Let’s talk facts.
No matter how many employees your company may have, passing notes through Excel spreadsheets to track interactions is not efficient. Those multiple spreadsheets, or similar systems you use to catalogue and analyse your safety processes, is an ugly and clunky relic that needs to be a thing of the past. Kiss goodbye to that ‘Microsoft Excel has stopped working’ message.
Sound familiar? If so, then it’s time to look at options and update.
What to look out for?
You’re a smart business owner, safety professional or manager and you need a safety management tools that set you up to succeed. If you’re still on the fence about whether this technology is for you, read on to find out which questions to ask yourself when evaluating your needs for a compliance software platform.
You need to ensure the system’s backed with great technology –
A configurable system is important as this will future-proof your business when it comes to health and safety management. For example, as regulations change you need a system that can change too. With configurable software, that allows you to mange:
- Regulation updates
- Employee training
- Add/delete modules
- Form changes
- Color schemes and logos
- Dashboard visuals and settings
- Reporting
Every aspect of Gladden Digital Safety’s platform is configurable.
Easy to use and jargon-free is crucial to ensure all workers can utilize the system. Not everyone’s familiar with terms such as OSHA, JSA, EHS and SDS. Let’s keep it simple!
Cost effective based on a number of workers and modules in use. Make sure you are not paying for a full system if you only use a number of modules, there will be a big difference in costs for businesses with 20 workers compared to 40,000 workers.
Ask yourself does the software system that you have chosen cover everything you need it to? If you still have to complete the odd thing in Excel or other systems then maybe you should reconsider your options.
Can the system you are looking at provide real-time reporting? This is a process that can take up a lot of time if you’re using a variety of unconnected systems. The ability to build your own reports and have them displayed on a dashboard will save both time and money for a business. Think of the time saved for each employee, team or department.
Instant notifications when observations, hazards or injuries are flagged. The correct team members need to be notified to produce the best corrective action. The ability to add email reminders to ensure actions are closed off in a timely manner.
Gladden Digital Safety can cover all of the above and more… Many more of our features can be found on our website – All Features
Frequently asked questions?
Can you manage ALL health and safety on one platform? Yes, you can. Our configurable platform allows you to only see what you need and add modules as you go.
I only have 10 workers, do I still need a safety management system? Yes, you do. It’s important to have all your health and safety in sync and know exactly what’s happening in the business. The benefit is, you only pay for what you use based on the number of workers.
We are an Enterprise company of 40,000 workers, how can one system cope with all this information? Gladden Digital Safety is a cloud-based safety system which means storage and large volumes of documents isn’t a problem. The system will remain fast and reliable at all times. We are currently working with the likes of McDonald’s, NAB, Suncorp, IAG and many more Enterprise clients.
Feel free to send any questions or business challenges through by completing the contact form.
And as always, stay safe out there.